Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The poem!

Can you tell this was my first post? The poem didn't attach to the previous post. 

Anyhoo..It's called Welcome to Holland, and to sum it up. It's about a woman on a plane, heading to Italy. She is SO psyched to go to Italy! She learns some Italian, she is excited about gondolas, the coliseum, etc. But, in the middle of her flight, She gets diverted to Holland! Who the hell wants to go to Holland?? She gets there, and she has to stay there! She is STUCK in Holland. Can anyone point to Holland on a map? is it even a real place? I have no idea...So, there she sits, she has to stay.

Same as having a disabled kid. I wasn't prepared to go to Holland. Truth be told, I wasn't prepared to go to Italy! I was WAY too young to be having a kid anyway. I should have had a chaperone on that flight to Italy! But, there I was. Tossed into Holland with their stupid windmills and stupid WOODEN shoes. But, eventually, even though it's not Italy, I got used to Holland. It's ok. Kind of like living in the Saint Louis area when I want to be living near one of the Great Lakes!

You still mourn the fact that you are stuck in Holland and the people from Italy get to wear designer clothes, leather shoes when you are wearing WOOD (wtf is up with that anyway?).

You mourn the fact that your child, who just started high school, isn't going to do the fun things you did in high school. No school dances, no crushes on the opposite sex, no best friends, no drinking parties and coming home drunk..oh wait..I didn't want him to do that anyway ;)

You get sad, as I did last night, when you go to buy birthday presents for your 15 year old and you are still buying Elmo and Barney because that's what he likes! Let me tell you, 15 years of Barney is NO PICNIC. I want to strangle that purple dinosaur more than you know.

But, then you come home, and there is your boy. Silly, smiling, singing along to Elmo songs. And yeah, Holland is slow, but, it's ok. Maybe you are supposed to be in Holland afterall, but a trip to Italy would be DAMN NICE.

1 comment:

cropangel said...

Jen sometimes you wonder at times if that statement is true religious or not. Hang in there I wont say it will get easier as i really do not know that but some things will be and others will not be.