Friday, October 24, 2008

Another day in Holland...

Andy is sick. Really sick! We spent all day yesterday in the bathroom with explosive diarrhea. Then, finally, when I thought it was all over, the vomiting started. WHOO HOO!

During this time, ex baby daddy got his court notice for contempt. How funny that he can call when he is angry and wants to yell and scream at me, but yet, he won't return calls when Andy calls him. Hum. Interesting. Never in my life have I met such a narcissistic person. I feel so sorry for his wife....actually, I guess I don't. She is choosing to stick it out with him. That's one choice she will look back and regret, but, she doesn't see that yet. Her "hindsight is 20/20 moment" hasn't happened yet. But, it will. And I'll be here to say "I told you so!"

Now, I have to spend my day doing at a minimum, two big things. 1. Take care of the sick boy again. 2. Write a letter to the court. Good times!!

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